Once we had our connections we could then advertise our current performance fully, as all our designs had been made. When you come out as a company you keep developing and how you advertise based on that expands. The trailer from God Squad that you can see below presents a clear image for their company and they produce similar types of works and projects with each new devising process.
The video presents the company talking directly to the audience and uses a lot of personal camera work. As a company they state in their mission statement that ‘We try and explore the point where theatre meets art, media and real life’ (Gob Squad, 2014). Through holding the cameras in this trailer and being themselves, they successfully maintain this image and give their fan base or future audience a clear idea of what to expect from their pieces both present and future.
We in contrast, hope to continually produce devised works that involve different text as we expand as a company. Our current trailer for Take me by the Tongue used a range of text surrounding a microphone and our mission statement suggests we will create theatre that ‘looks closely at the meaning of text and the spoken word ‘ (Hand Me Down, 2014). This is how we want to be perceived, and hope to be perceived for the foreseeable future.
(Above: Hand Me Down Theatre, Initial Trailer)
Our events have also developed our current image. Over our few months devising, we have organised events to do with reinterpreting text and song. An acoustic night we had led to some of our cast changing upbeat songs to more slowed down, acoustic versions. This again gives a clear image of our company to our audience base both current and future.
It seems ‘There is increasing evidence that the position of images in product-related information can alter processing and impact consumer perceptions’ (Chae and Hoegg, 2013) and the same goes for how you market and present your company. Image placement really is everything for bringing in audiences and producing the works you want to. You may not be placing it on a product, but your show in fact becomes the product within the theatre.
With everything we release and everything we will release in the future, we hope to continue presenting a clear image for our company. This will be anything from ensuring colour schemes are in order, to presenting the right look with our trailers. With our current connections and market research, putting across the right image should be able to continue as our company produces new works.
Works Cited
Chae, B. and Hoegg, J. (2013) The Future Looks “Right”: Effects of the Horizontal Location of Advertising Images on Product Attitude. Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (Aug,2)
Gob Squad (2014) About Us. [online] Available from: http://www.gobsquad.com/about-us [Accessed: 21.05.2014].
Gob Squad (2008) Super Night Shot (2004). [Streaming Video] Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-anpj9LS4vg. Accessed: 26.05.14].
Hand Me Down Theatre (2014) Our Mission Statement. [online] Available from: https://handmedownth3atr3.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/our-mission-statement/ [Accessed: 28.05.2014].
Lizzy Hayes (2014) Hand Me Down Theatre – May Performance Teaser Trailer. [Streaming Video] Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ukQQPgfkeQ [Accessed: 24.04.2014].