When it comes to putting yourself out there to go and see a performance you have to be attracted to a certain element. With our piece as it is being devised it’s crucial we ensure that our future audience know what they can expect from the production. In rehearsals this week we decided to work on transforming parts of Shakespeare. This transformation of famous text is a crucial element we have used to advertise our piece. With the tagline ‘From Shakespeare to Pitbull’ we are suggesting to audiences there is a complete range, and are using the famous name to attract the public and give our piece some form of context. It has been suggested:
‘Texts are artifacts apt for interpretation’ (Margolis, 1993)
As a company we want to reinterpret text, and have therefore begun to use famous monologues or soliloquys from Shakespeare to form duologues between the plays. Audiences will be familiar with the words from the text and understand it is Shakespeare, however, whether they will grasp its new formation which will be in duologue form and in a new setting will be another matter. This well known text is one of the reasons we have used the image of Shakespeare in our advertising process as well as within our production.
Shakespeare has been placed in our tagline and on our current poster, as you can see below:
(Take me by the Tongue Poster. Taken by: Kirsty Jakins 9.4.14)
Not only this, but after meeting with LPAC café staff we managed to organise an acoustic night. So far we have advertised this event heavily on social media to spread the word and reach a more student based audience, who are likely to be the ones walking around the LPAC café on a late Thursday afternoon. Through presenting images on these sites we hope to raise interest. The café have previously had acoustic nights also, so if advertised in other areas of Lincoln the previously popular night may be able to work for our company. We are organising leaflets which we will use the week before the event to ensure it is seen. We have also now officially started rehearsals for our acoustic night taking place on the 1st May, where we plan to show our potential audience a little bit about our company. We will be changing more upbeat songs to make them acoustic, representing how we can change how something is first perceived. Whilst this is occurring, to help advertise our show other members of the company will be walking around catching attention and discussing with people what our show is all about. Not only will this event raise awareness for our company with logos for stickers being handed out and act as a teaser, it will also be a potential chance to raise extra funds for our performance ‘Take me by the Tongue’ and allow us to invest in more lavish costume for the piece. Due to its nature we will be changing a lot so extra funds would be extremely beneficial in exchange for song! We feel that by using this event within the LPAC we will not only present our company and what we are about, but also give people a chance to aid our future piece by donating. When it comes to forming an image for our company, this event will hopefully represent what we are aiming to achieve. After all, image is crucial when it comes to marketing our company.
(Acoustic Night Rehearsals. Taken by: Kirsty Jakins 3.4.14)